That I Lost All My...
Game camera pics when our computer crashed! I can't wait for warm weather so I can put my camera back out there and get pics of deer, raccoons, foxs, bad dogs and bad people! Mostly for the deer and bad people! I met Brhaun last night and we seemed to hit it off! I think he will fit in just fine with our posse and I can't wait to go hunting and fishing with him! I am all registered for my moose permit- with six extra chances to boot and I have a good feeling that this might be the year! We had a really good time in Portland! I got $125 mallard decoys for $25 on clearance, I got a new electronic turkey call and Sean and I got a new hunting game to play. The hotel was fine, we went swimming and ate out A LOT and IHop was expensive as usual! LOL. I took my bottles back this morning and went and got my new dump sticker so I am off to make today a productive day with a couple of dump runs and then Sean and I are going down in the basement to paint his new toy box. He doesn't seem interested in a pink toy box so we will camo her up for him so he is happy with it! Later
Sounds like you had a good time. I miss the game camera too. Be careful where you set your duck decoy down that might end up being a prop LOL
I am planning on it! LOL
Great pics. What kind of game camera are you using?
did the computer get reformatted at factory?
if you still have the drive you can probably get some of the pics back.
I think they did a complete restore on the hard drive but I would have to ask Colleen! She said they are gone though! No biggy really- we can make more!
Digital laser sited Moultre(sp)! It works awesome!
Hit it off huh...yeah, that would be an understatement. Had a great time the other night. And if you get that moose permit I may just have to tag along and give you guys a hand and some friendly advice know, theres a moose...don't choke the shot, no lift his leg that way...pull a little know...moral support LMAO
You can absolutely tag along! I have never gutted one out though so I can probably use the pointers! If I can hit a 60 pound lamb at 200 yards- double lung shot, a moose should be a walk in the park! I want the trifecta so bad I can taste it! I have got two out of three several times but never got the moose permit!
Ask me tomorrow night- I will give you the full lamb story!
Hey no problem on helping out on that. It will be relaxing to see someone else suffer through afew days of no moose LOL...and yeah, I've gut a few of them now, my own and helped on a couple of friends so I can offer some good advice although it will come as part of a smartass comment LMAO...can't wait to hear the lamb on of my own. I hear you on the slam. Worked my ass off this year for it when I got the moose permit. Turkey - check, Deer - check, Moose - check...damn bear...6 days of sitting over a bait for nothing...oh well, at least it was fun. See you tonight.
...and FYI...I need to get one of those trail the pics.
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