Monday, March 16, 2009

Artistically Highly Inappropriate Abnormality Porch Rocking with Rubber Eloquent Twisted Ducky Nipples

Because I Have a Need to Not Be Outdone!
I am looking forward to ALL parties this summer and hanging out with friends, family and birds! I am craving warm weather, outside time and even mowing the lawn. We are thinking about starting a garden this year and I need to locate or buy a rototiller to break ground. I am thinking Brhaun will read this and chime in that he has one and I can borrow it. LOL- subtle, quiet Rick humor there. I am not thinking anything big for a garden- maybe an acre should be fine. LOL. Actually, I would like to plant some corn, peas, potatoes and squash and pumpkins and whatever Colleen feels like putting in. I have never done this before so I welcome any pointers from people who have! Not much more to say except dead hobos covered in BBQ sauce have to maek good fertilizer, right?


Julie said...

You should build boxes and fill them with the soil you want to use. Then if you don't want to do it next year you just take them up. It's a lot of work tilling up the soil and adding all the stuff you need to to get it just right. There are some great on-line garden ideas I am sure you can find how to build the boxes. My friend in Freeport used to grow all that stuff in hers. Corn is awesome....Just need to keep the racoons out of it.

Anonymous said...

If I had a rototiller it would be yours. Sorry man...good news, I plan on renting one again for my food plots...if we plan ahead we could get one for the weekend and get a ton of tilling done LOL.

Rick Jordan said...

Deal! I might be able to put my hands on one for free though and if I can, you can borrow it! I tried to tell you we need that tractor at the Sportsman show but you have to be so friggin' tight with your money! LOL

Rick Jordan said...

And a 3006 round does a number on a raccoon! The bastards can't give up their little bastard raccoon cigarettes so I shoot for the orange glow and it gets them every time!