Today Is the Day...
That the game camera goes back out in it's place! I need to run over to the Brewer store and get some stuff to attract them. After last year, I think I have a pretty good idea what the deer like- and certainly the raccoons! I am hoping that a little later on this week, we should have some pics of deer, turkeys, fox or raccoons. Or at the very least, some weird guy who always seems to show up out there! I asked the San Diego cheerleaders to stop by the camera and flash it but they probably won't! LOL. I have a lot planned today. I have been sick all week but got a good nights sleep last night and feel better today. I thought the poker game was a success and every single person that was there said the people I invited were great.
OK, Time to Get Hokie!
If I took one thing from poker, it was that I really miss my brother! He is SO much fun to be around and joke around with and to just hang out with! Yes, my brother lives like two miles down the road and I see him every so often when we fix a car together or plumb something in.
Sometimes I don't even believe it's really YOU posting these blogs. Were you always this sappy? :)
LOL- yes! Colleen HATES the sappy stuff but I have always been like this! I try and keep it bottled in but it doesn't always work! I would rather say what is on my mind then try and keep it locked away.
haha! I think you were a woman in a past life.
Because I have feelings? LOL
No. Everyone has feelings! It's just that you WANT to express them that makes you a woman in a past life.
LOL- that is pretty sound reasoning!
Well that and he is constantly prancin' around in frilly things.
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