So, The Weather Today and...
Our trip to the Sportsman's Show made me feel like these things are coming. Fishing and turkey hunting and camp and summer and BBQ's and get togethers and birthdays. If I learned anything from the show, it is that I need a four wheeler, the boat both Brhaun and I fell in love with and probably two or three more jobs. I could easily spend $100,000 at the Sportsman Show and not blink an eye and still want more stuff. Winter is so long in Maine and I think nothing gets people motivated like seeing the end of the tunnel and today being so nice out helps out nicely. Sean says I should have put snake hunting into the things he looks forward to with warmer weather. He is a snake hunting fool. He really liked shooting the air guns and getting in the boats and shacks. Jessi has fun at the show too and I like just about everything there. Sean and Jessi loved the little puppies, too. Well, I need to go swap around some laundry and go work out and shower so I can settle in for the night! Later

Love those pics!! He is his Daddy's boy.
Sorry I missed out on all the fun. Maybe next year. Geesh...that's a really long time!!! I hope the anticipation doesn't kill me!!!
lol Colleen.... I hope you make it.
We should be coming right up on good snake huntin' weather so Sean should be all set. ;0)
Damn straight we fell in love with that boat...man that was a sweet boat! Had a great time...can't wait for the Houlton Gun Show!
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