OK, Last Night Was...
Sean so tonight will be Jessi! I liked these two pictures of Jessi so I thought I would throw them in my blog! Had a good morning at work, lousy afternoon! Nicole came over for supper tonight and that was cool! I cooked steak on the grill, Colleen made yummy potatoes and squash and I am absolutely stuffed right now! I need to run upstairs and take a shower before Survivor and CSI are both on! I am growing a beard and it itches like 1000 mosquitos are biting my face! I hate this stage of a beard when it doesn't look good and itches like crazy! Not sure if I am going to make it to the stage where it does look good and stops itching! I itch my face like 100 times a day and I am not feeling the whole beard thing when it is 90 and humid outside! Well, off to shower and see what mischief I can get into watching TV with my wife! Night!
There IS NO stage when it looks good!!!
OFF WITH THE BEARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahahha!! I like the "scruff" look... like i'm-just-to-lazy-to-shave-but-i-look-sexy-anyway look. HAHT!! Justin Timberlake pulls it off once and awhile, yummy!
Mine is pretty much ~I am just too lazy to shave~ LOL That and I like my face warm when I am deer hunting!
That and I despise shaving! Not my head really but my face! Spent too much of my life having to shave every day so now I like that I don't have to!
I don't mind beards...I prefer the Goatee thing...and I really hate mustaches for some reason...which is funny cause my dad always had one...
CSI was awesome last night. I have been a totally lazy ass at night watching all the new shows...I am psyched for "Midnight" the new vampire show.
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