Today Was...
Crazy at work! It is the end of the year for work and everything needs to be done NOW! Plus, it was 'road call from hell' day to boot! I was looking through a bunch of old pictures and I liked these three! The two of our house reminded me of what we went through to have this place and The one of Sean makes him look like a cowboy! Well, off to work out, shower and relax! Later

I didn't know we had those pics on that computer!
Nicole took that cowboy one... I love it!!
Yes I do have those on my computer! I need some more though- not that anybody really reads it anymore but I like the picture blogs!
You've stepped up your game - you're a picture blogger now!!
LOL- don't know about stepping up my game! I have to steal the pictures from my wife!
Not that anyone reads it anymore???
Save the drama for your mama ;) ;)
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