Thanks Jerry!
Jerry sent me this pic that pretty much sums up my feeling for PETA! Ingrid also put it quite well! My wife says I am a drama queen! LOL! I guess I don't see the drama queen reference but oh well! Today was OK at work- we got stuff done, short handed and all and my wife and daughter came home around 7! I miss them when they are gone! Sappy? Probably but I like having them home! Wish we were doing something tonight but Jerry is on call and no one set anything up so I guess we will have to wait until next weekend! I am pretty tired right now so I will probably go take a shower, put on some flannel jammies and go to bed! I finished my book the other night but Colleen said she had a book she wanted me to read so maybe I will start that tonight and go to bed! Boring- yes! What I want to do? You bet! Night
I know what the picture looks like but I am not seeing it load up on the page.
Yeah.... you do know there is no pic there, right?
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