So, I Have Been Blog Slacking...
Well, atleast by my standards! I had to post the picture of raccoon-deer, part two and the picture of Sean and I playing our game on Sunday! We played chase each other around and hunt for snakes! It was fun! We caught a huge garder snake with a mean streak! We spent hours teasing the snake and getting him to snap at us and try to bite us! no wonder PETA hates me! LOL. Give them time- they will probably be advertising on my site next week! The good news is neither one of us got bit and we let the snake go free in the meadow! He is probably on his way out of the county, mumbling under his breath about that stupid guy and his son that wouldn't leave him alone and kept teasing him! Wishing he was his cousin- a rattle snake so he could bite us and kill us! LOL. Work has been an absolute mind fuck every day this week! I spent two hours today putting in nine pages of parts for an estimate, then hitting save and watching all my work disappear! Made me feel like I crying! We are going to camp on Friday for the clean up and drunkfest! Last year was a blast! Even though I don't touch alcohol, I will try and have fun! LOL. I worked out tonight and took a shower and am sitting here enjoying a beverage! I put our new bed together last night after work. My wife assured me it was an hour job! Two hours later, I had it done and felt like laying down in it and going to bed! My wife made it worth while so all was good! Well, off to mess around for twenty more minutes or so and then go to bed! Night
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