Last Night Was SO Bad...
On call that I didn't sleep hardly at all! I got called like every 20 minutes all night and hardly slept at all! It was the worst night I have ever had on call and am not looking forward to another night like that EVER! I need to do what I am doing in my first picture and my second picture is a tribute to the storm we are getting right now! Kids LOVE snow! They have been playing in it pretty much all day and I am happy- since my wife pointed out yesterday that the kids don't play outside anywhere with it getting colder and stuff. I need to run out back one of these days and retrive my treestand from the tree it is sitting in. Monday Night football should be a descent game tonight- Baltimore VS New England! Pats should smoke the Ravens though! Vikings are on a really nice run right now! They have won four of five and are 6-6 with four winnable games left! They could make the playoffs and with their running game, do some damage when they get there! Well, off to work out and get ready for MNF!! Later

But you were at home today you lucky dog!
The storm sucked to be driving in today.
I am all about the Summer.... Not a huge fan of winter.
I am all about the FALL... Summer sucks as much as winter.
Oh- you have NO idea what last night was like! I would have traded a night's sleep for being there today! See you in the morning!
Jerry is on call this week too. It is not as bad as two weeks ago when he was on call. I thought he might kill someone. :)
This is what Sunday night was like- from 630 PM until 630 AM, the cell phone or pager went off every 15-20 minutes! That means every time I got settled down enough to fall back asleep, I would be woken up again! I figure I got maybe 45 minutes of sleep all night! Last night seemed a lot better! I slept from 12-4 without being woken up! I HATE being on call but the last two days have been utterly ridiculous!
I bet you just wanted to throw the pager and cell out the window!!! haha The pats did not moke the ravens like they should of it was a scary game to watch!!!
I came as close as I have ever come to smashing it off the wall! Ed is back tonight so I can sleep! Thankfully! No- but they still won! That is all that matters!
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