Until My Company...
Christmas party and two weeks until our party here! I can't wait! I have WAY too much fun at both of these parties and look forward to them all year long! No potato salad with peas in it! Good company! Good booze! Sounds like my kind of time! I love this time of year- Christmas that is not the weather!

Today was ok at work! It was busy but the day went by fast and I had angelo's pizza for supper and it was really good! Colleen had their Caesar chicken salad and said that was excellent! We went out to Texas Roadhouse last night for supper to celebrate us being a two income family! That is pretty cool since we have been a one income family for a really long time! I am happy my wife likes her job and all things that come with it! Guess we are entering a new stage in our lives! One that I like quite a bit! Night
Will someone who reads this PLEASE bring potato salad with peas in it to the party?????
NO! That wasn't where I was going with this blog!
well enjoyed most of your blog Rick till the movie of Broke Back Mountain. The image of two guys kissing and stuff was just overbearing gross! lol clean up your site!
Just Kidding hope you enjoy ur potato salad with peas in it!
mmm potato salad w/ peas!
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