Don't Really Have Much...
To say but thought I would wish everyone a happy New Year and lets hope the snow stops before long! I thought we had some global warming thing going on! I want it back! I am going outside right now and spraying aerosol cans into the air! Seriously, this winter has been ridiculous! I think Colleen and I are going to have a quiet evening watching tv and maybe having a few drinks! Boring, yes but beats the crap out of going out in this crap! More snow tomorrow night! The only good thing about that is that my wife might actually have Wednesday off with me! Well, off to see Sean play Call of Duty 2 and take a shower! Night and once again, Happy New Year!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Why Not?
Top 25 Movies:
1. SPR
2. Tombstone
3. Outlaw Josey Wales
4. Me, Myself and Irene
5. Something About Mary
6. Predator
7. Spiderman
8. Shindler's List
9. Band of Brothers
10. Lonesome Dove
11. Young Guns
12. Forrest Gump
13. Bourne Identity
14. Unforgiven
15. American Pie
16. 40 Year Old Virgin
17. The Hills Have Eyes
18. Saw
19. Aliens
20. Independence Day
21. The Ring
22. Running Man
23. Big Jake
24. The Crush
25. Fatal Attraction
I know- I am a guy and my list is very guylike! I HAVE to tell my story on why the Ring made my list! My wife was gone to California to visit her Mom and I was home all alone and decided to watch the Ring alone with all the lights out. I am watching the movie- if you have seen it, it is hella creepy! So, they watch the video for the first time and the phone rings in the movie and then MY phone rings at the same time! I almost peed my freaking pants! It was only my wife though and she didn't tell me I was going to die! LOL! TOTALLY made the movie though! I was petrified when the freaking phone rang! LOL
1. SPR
2. Tombstone
3. Outlaw Josey Wales
4. Me, Myself and Irene
5. Something About Mary
6. Predator
7. Spiderman
8. Shindler's List
9. Band of Brothers
10. Lonesome Dove
11. Young Guns
12. Forrest Gump
13. Bourne Identity
14. Unforgiven
15. American Pie
16. 40 Year Old Virgin
17. The Hills Have Eyes
18. Saw
19. Aliens
20. Independence Day
21. The Ring
22. Running Man
23. Big Jake
24. The Crush
25. Fatal Attraction
I know- I am a guy and my list is very guylike! I HAVE to tell my story on why the Ring made my list! My wife was gone to California to visit her Mom and I was home all alone and decided to watch the Ring alone with all the lights out. I am watching the movie- if you have seen it, it is hella creepy! So, they watch the video for the first time and the phone rings in the movie and then MY phone rings at the same time! I almost peed my freaking pants! It was only my wife though and she didn't tell me I was going to die! LOL! TOTALLY made the movie though! I was petrified when the freaking phone rang! LOL
Season OVER
Well, My Boys...
Will be sitting home for the playoffs! Kind of stinks but all in all, they had a good year! 8-8 isn't what I was hoping for when we were 8-6 but they are young and inexperienced and trust me, they wouldn't even have given the patriots a game! I have to work New Years Eve and New Years day but then I have Wednesday off so I am psyched for that! Sean should have fun- we will stay home and play video games for most of the day and get the house nice and clean while Colleen is working. I went over to Scott's house to watch the last day of my football season and I had a really good time! We ate meatball sandwiches and all were pretty pissed off since all three of our teams lost! I have already worked out, taken and a shower and Amazing Race is back on in fifteen minutes! I am not really feeling work tomorrow since this week has been REALLY shitty on call and I don't really feel like I had a day off this week! Well, I am off to blow up a tank with my son then watch TV with my wife! Night! Good luck to all the teams that made the playoffs! I still have a couple of people close to me who could end their season very happy! Later
Will be sitting home for the playoffs! Kind of stinks but all in all, they had a good year! 8-8 isn't what I was hoping for when we were 8-6 but they are young and inexperienced and trust me, they wouldn't even have given the patriots a game! I have to work New Years Eve and New Years day but then I have Wednesday off so I am psyched for that! Sean should have fun- we will stay home and play video games for most of the day and get the house nice and clean while Colleen is working. I went over to Scott's house to watch the last day of my football season and I had a really good time! We ate meatball sandwiches and all were pretty pissed off since all three of our teams lost! I have already worked out, taken and a shower and Amazing Race is back on in fifteen minutes! I am not really feeling work tomorrow since this week has been REALLY shitty on call and I don't really feel like I had a day off this week! Well, I am off to blow up a tank with my son then watch TV with my wife! Night! Good luck to all the teams that made the playoffs! I still have a couple of people close to me who could end their season very happy! Later
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Another Year
As New Year's Approaches,
I like to think back on things accomplished for the year! My wife kicked some major butt in this category! She graduates from college and earns her much deserved bachelor's degree! She also got back into the work force after twelve years of being out and being Mommy! Jessi is in middle school and Sean is in kindergarten! I really haven't accomplished much in terms of work other than I got a nice raise and proved that you can work six days for an entire year and NOT go crazy! Jerry and Julie had a big year, too! Jerry got a job at my work in our MIS department and gets to be home with his family every night and we get to do things together at work and on weekends! He is a valuable person at my work and they tell me all the time how thankful they were to have me recommend him and how grateful they are for him working there! Julie also dove back into work! Nicole became an aunt for the first time! Kristie and Tim got a new apartment and I think are going to give us TONS of stuff next year! Like a sister in law, nieces and nephews and weddings! LOL. OK, time to do lists!
Highlight of the year: My wife going back to work!
Low point of the year: Petty, yes but not shooting a deer!
High points that stick out: Christmas, camp and Disney
Memorable day: Sean's first day of school, My wife's last day of school, my wife's first day of work, Christmas party!
Hopes for next year: More good times, more time spent with friends and family, more raises, more deer hunting with Karl and some more babies!
I like to think back on things accomplished for the year! My wife kicked some major butt in this category! She graduates from college and earns her much deserved bachelor's degree! She also got back into the work force after twelve years of being out and being Mommy! Jessi is in middle school and Sean is in kindergarten! I really haven't accomplished much in terms of work other than I got a nice raise and proved that you can work six days for an entire year and NOT go crazy! Jerry and Julie had a big year, too! Jerry got a job at my work in our MIS department and gets to be home with his family every night and we get to do things together at work and on weekends! He is a valuable person at my work and they tell me all the time how thankful they were to have me recommend him and how grateful they are for him working there! Julie also dove back into work! Nicole became an aunt for the first time! Kristie and Tim got a new apartment and I think are going to give us TONS of stuff next year! Like a sister in law, nieces and nephews and weddings! LOL. OK, time to do lists!
Highlight of the year: My wife going back to work!
Low point of the year: Petty, yes but not shooting a deer!
High points that stick out: Christmas, camp and Disney
Memorable day: Sean's first day of school, My wife's last day of school, my wife's first day of work, Christmas party!
Hopes for next year: More good times, more time spent with friends and family, more raises, more deer hunting with Karl and some more babies!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Merry Christmas
A day late! Christmas was AWESOME! I got a 360 and three games and Sean got Big Game Hunter for the Wii which we are wearing out quickly! Jessi got some cool games for the Wii, too and it has been pretty hectic trying to wait your turn for the Wii! I took today off from work for working the 24TH and I think it will become a regular thing! I stayed home and played with the kids and our toys all day and it was SO fun! We also got the trash off to the dump, got the tree down and all the toys up to the kid's rooms and got the house looking pretty good! My poor wife had to work today- maybe she can put in for the 26TH off next year, too! I got a new winter jacket and a Vikings leather hat from my parents, plus my hunting and fishing license! I got a wallet from my children and I got the coolest grill set with Vikings on it from Tim and Kristie! I also got new socks- which I needed badly! All in all, Christmas rules! Glad it only comes once or year or we'd be broke all the time! We had lobster for Christmas dinner yesterday and I had a little of my fifth of Crown which was also a Christmas gift- which goes very nicely with my Crown T-shirt I got from Jerry and Julie! NHL 08 is really fun! The graphics are really good and the game is hard which is just the way I like it! I can't wait until tax time and a new TV to play my X-Box on! I really am spoiled but I don't mind! Well, off to read some blogs and some Vikings stuff! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a great night! Later
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Eve
Christmas! Tim and Kristie came over tonight to exchange gifts and have Chinese food with us! It was an awesome night! My children got a way cool portable DVD player which they are settled in upstairs watching right now, Sean got a remote control truck that spins and lights up and my wife got a cool serving dish and some movies! I got the COOLEST gift though! I got a Vikings grill set for my grill! If you combine the Vikings with just about anything, I will be happy but to combine them with something I love like grilling is just over the top! Tomorrow is the big day and Colleen and I are about an hour away from getting everything set up for the kids! I love this night! Along with the night I get to be a big bunny rabbit, I love Christmas! I love being Santa, really! Usually, I would spend the next two hours putting stuff together but we really don't have any assembling required this year! Yes, my kids are spoiled! I am aware of this but really don't feel bad about it in the least! Why wouldn't you spoil your children if you had the means? Well, off to go put on a big white beard and a red and white suit! Merry Christmas Everyone! Night
Sunday, December 23, 2007
This Is What It Is Like
To Be A...
Vikings fan! We win this game, we make the playoffs! What do they do in typical Viking fashion? Lay an absolute egg and play like shit in the biggest game of the year! They are down 25-0 and they are most assuredly going to lose this game badly! In our house, with a five game winning streak! God, I hate being a Vikings fan! This is what every year is like! You think they are dead, they surprise you and get on a roll and then drop the hammer on you and tear your heart out! We can't run the ball, our QB turns it over left and right and our defense is making a journeyman QB as old as me look like Peyton Manning! It is SO frustrating!
Vikings fan! We win this game, we make the playoffs! What do they do in typical Viking fashion? Lay an absolute egg and play like shit in the biggest game of the year! They are down 25-0 and they are most assuredly going to lose this game badly! In our house, with a five game winning streak! God, I hate being a Vikings fan! This is what every year is like! You think they are dead, they surprise you and get on a roll and then drop the hammer on you and tear your heart out! We can't run the ball, our QB turns it over left and right and our defense is making a journeyman QB as old as me look like Peyton Manning! It is SO frustrating!
2ND Annual X-Mas Party
Last Night Was...
Our second Christmas party and it was a blast as always! We are lucky to have a good group of friends and family that get along and can have a good time like that! I FINALLY got to meet Kristie's sister, Karen and I have to say she fit right in! I thought everything went well even with the kids coming home early because Sean was sick! I ate a ton of food and feel a little fuzzy in the head but not too bad, really! I have a family Christmas party at 330 PM today and the Vikings play at 830 tonight. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and then Christmas! Sean says he CAN'T WAIT for Christmas and opening his presents! Having kids this time of year kicks ass! LOL Well, off to the dump and then work out then shower then party then football! Looking forward to Tim and Kristie coming over tomorrow night for presents and Chinese! I love Chinese! Later
Our second Christmas party and it was a blast as always! We are lucky to have a good group of friends and family that get along and can have a good time like that! I FINALLY got to meet Kristie's sister, Karen and I have to say she fit right in! I thought everything went well even with the kids coming home early because Sean was sick! I ate a ton of food and feel a little fuzzy in the head but not too bad, really! I have a family Christmas party at 330 PM today and the Vikings play at 830 tonight. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and then Christmas! Sean says he CAN'T WAIT for Christmas and opening his presents! Having kids this time of year kicks ass! LOL Well, off to the dump and then work out then shower then party then football! Looking forward to Tim and Kristie coming over tomorrow night for presents and Chinese! I love Chinese! Later
Friday, December 21, 2007
One More Day
And I Can Have...
A day off and then I work half a day on Monday and then have Tuesday and Wednesday off! Christmas is So close now! Everything is leading to Tuesday and Christmas! I really love Christmas Eve! I love staying up and getting everything ready and set up for the kids and then not being able to sleep because I can't wait to see their faces when they come down first thing in the morning! Then it is all over until next year and they have to wait 364 days until it comes again! Vikings play Redskins on Sunday night and can solidify their spot in the playoffs with a win! If the Saints lose and the Vikings win, the Vikings are in the playoffs! They started 1-3 and were 2-5 at one point but have won five in a row and 6 or seven to get to 8-6! Hey- not bad for a year I thought they were done! Looking forward to tomorrow night and having some fun! Night
A day off and then I work half a day on Monday and then have Tuesday and Wednesday off! Christmas is So close now! Everything is leading to Tuesday and Christmas! I really love Christmas Eve! I love staying up and getting everything ready and set up for the kids and then not being able to sleep because I can't wait to see their faces when they come down first thing in the morning! Then it is all over until next year and they have to wait 364 days until it comes again! Vikings play Redskins on Sunday night and can solidify their spot in the playoffs with a win! If the Saints lose and the Vikings win, the Vikings are in the playoffs! They started 1-3 and were 2-5 at one point but have won five in a row and 6 or seven to get to 8-6! Hey- not bad for a year I thought they were done! Looking forward to tomorrow night and having some fun! Night
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Looking Forward to...
Christmas, The Party and...
Three out of four days off! Of course, I am on call so they are not COMPLETELY off but really- when am I completely off? I am looking forward to the party this weekend and Christmas on Tuesday! I can't wait to see the kids and my wife open their gifts! The Vikings won even though the game was closer than I thought! They didn't play very well but came up with enough plays to win the game! Big game verse Washington this week and a win would just about guarantee the Vikings a birth in the playoffs! I don't have my party gift yet but I have a few ideas and I will make a decision by Friday! Well, off to read some Vikings message boards and go to bed! Today was CRAZY at work today and I am spent! Plus I don't feel that great and I worked out so I am even more tired! Night
Three out of four days off! Of course, I am on call so they are not COMPLETELY off but really- when am I completely off? I am looking forward to the party this weekend and Christmas on Tuesday! I can't wait to see the kids and my wife open their gifts! The Vikings won even though the game was closer than I thought! They didn't play very well but came up with enough plays to win the game! Big game verse Washington this week and a win would just about guarantee the Vikings a birth in the playoffs! I don't have my party gift yet but I have a few ideas and I will make a decision by Friday! Well, off to read some Vikings message boards and go to bed! Today was CRAZY at work today and I am spent! Plus I don't feel that great and I worked out so I am even more tired! Night
Monday, December 17, 2007
Monday Night!
And Guess Who Plays?
Vikings-Bears with the Vikes on a four game winning streak and absolutely laying the smack down on the teams they have played! I hope for a little more AD and Chester and a nice, lopsided win on the Viking's only appearance on Monday Night Football! I am all pumped up right now so I am off to work out, put on some Viking's gear and settle in for the game! I am READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!!!!! Wish them Vikings luck! Night!
Vikings-Bears with the Vikes on a four game winning streak and absolutely laying the smack down on the teams they have played! I hope for a little more AD and Chester and a nice, lopsided win on the Viking's only appearance on Monday Night Football! I am all pumped up right now so I am off to work out, put on some Viking's gear and settle in for the game! I am READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL!!!!! Wish them Vikings luck! Night!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
One Party Down...
One To Go!
I was pretty much an idiot last night! I kept drinking and drinking trying to find a happy buzz and shot right past that into full on hammered! Thank you very much for driving us all home safely, Julie! I had a really good time and enjoy our Christmas party a great deal but next year, I think I will try and tone it down a little! I like a vast majority of the people I work with and it is fun to spend an evening with all of them in more of a social setting then in a busy work environment! Now, our big party this weekend should be a blast but I am on call and won't be able to get too drunk! ~My wife gives a sigh of relief and quietly says thank you~ I loved seeing AJ and Jerry totally kicked ass at the sing along! The shop won some cool prizes and the night was pretty tame and easy going as far as parties go! I hope Jerry and Julie enjoyed their first Hartt party and I look forward to having many more with them! Thanks to Tim and Kristie for watching our kids while we were having some fun! Looking forward to next Saturday night and our big Christmas bash! Off to make sugar cookies with the kids and watch a little football! Later
I was pretty much an idiot last night! I kept drinking and drinking trying to find a happy buzz and shot right past that into full on hammered! Thank you very much for driving us all home safely, Julie! I had a really good time and enjoy our Christmas party a great deal but next year, I think I will try and tone it down a little! I like a vast majority of the people I work with and it is fun to spend an evening with all of them in more of a social setting then in a busy work environment! Now, our big party this weekend should be a blast but I am on call and won't be able to get too drunk! ~My wife gives a sigh of relief and quietly says thank you~ I loved seeing AJ and Jerry totally kicked ass at the sing along! The shop won some cool prizes and the night was pretty tame and easy going as far as parties go! I hope Jerry and Julie enjoyed their first Hartt party and I look forward to having many more with them! Thanks to Tim and Kristie for watching our kids while we were having some fun! Looking forward to next Saturday night and our big Christmas bash! Off to make sugar cookies with the kids and watch a little football! Later
Friday, December 14, 2007
Saturday Which Will Bring...
My company Christmas party! Yes, I have to work tomorrow and then we are off for a night of fun! I think I will pass on the Everclear soaked cherries this year and stick to something much less lethal! I am pumped for this year's party more than ever because AJ is going to be there as always and Jerry will be there with Julie for the first time! If my memory serves me right, Jerry started at Hartt in March so this will be his first taste of our party! Jerry fits in great with my shop guys and he should have a blast tomorrow night! Sorry you have to drive, Julie but we will make it up to you a week from tomorrow at our Christmas party! I have my eyes on the HD TV they are giving away! I would pee my pants if I won that! AJ and I have a great time at the party! It is one of the very few times I get to hang out with him during the year even though I talk to him just about every day! He is bringing his girl with him this year and that MIGHT settle him down a little bit! Work has been very tiring this week and I am glad this week is almost over! I guess we are getting a HUGE snow storm on Saturday night/Sunday and I am looking forward to not working during that! Snow storms at my work does NOT make for a nice day at work! Half the people are moving snow and the other half are trying to do two people's jobs! My helper came back to work today and I have to say the day went much better! Well, I just finished working out and taking a shower so I am going off to watch a little TV and go to sleep! Night
My company Christmas party! Yes, I have to work tomorrow and then we are off for a night of fun! I think I will pass on the Everclear soaked cherries this year and stick to something much less lethal! I am pumped for this year's party more than ever because AJ is going to be there as always and Jerry will be there with Julie for the first time! If my memory serves me right, Jerry started at Hartt in March so this will be his first taste of our party! Jerry fits in great with my shop guys and he should have a blast tomorrow night! Sorry you have to drive, Julie but we will make it up to you a week from tomorrow at our Christmas party! I have my eyes on the HD TV they are giving away! I would pee my pants if I won that! AJ and I have a great time at the party! It is one of the very few times I get to hang out with him during the year even though I talk to him just about every day! He is bringing his girl with him this year and that MIGHT settle him down a little bit! Work has been very tiring this week and I am glad this week is almost over! I guess we are getting a HUGE snow storm on Saturday night/Sunday and I am looking forward to not working during that! Snow storms at my work does NOT make for a nice day at work! Half the people are moving snow and the other half are trying to do two people's jobs! My helper came back to work today and I have to say the day went much better! Well, I just finished working out and taking a shower so I am going off to watch a little TV and go to sleep! Night
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Here They Are

Ginger bread houses! Today was a little better at work! My helper wasn't there again and he won't be there tomorrow either! That makes it hard on me but I will live! I lived ten months before he got there and I will live years after he is no longer still there! Today was pretty hectic too and he really wouldn't have been too much help! My Great Dane stock order would be done but I can do it first thing in the morning pretty easily! Vikings play on Monday night this week so I think I will take a Sunday off from football- at least some football and finish my insulation project in the cellar and maybe do something fun with the wife and kids! Not sure exactly what yet but I will think of something! Well, off to work out and shower and see what is going on tonight! Night

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Two Weeks
Two Weeks Until...
Christmas! I had an absolutely shitty day at work today! My help called in and I got SWAMPED all friggin' day! I was on the phone probably nine out of 10 1/2 hours today! My day didn't really get much better when I got home and I am now going up stairs, taking out my aggression on some weights, taking a shower and settling in to watch some NHL and fall asleep! Julie, thank you SO much for being DD at the Christmas party! I owe you BIG for that! Night
Christmas! I had an absolutely shitty day at work today! My help called in and I got SWAMPED all friggin' day! I was on the phone probably nine out of 10 1/2 hours today! My day didn't really get much better when I got home and I am now going up stairs, taking out my aggression on some weights, taking a shower and settling in to watch some NHL and fall asleep! Julie, thank you SO much for being DD at the Christmas party! I owe you BIG for that! Night
Monday, December 10, 2007
My Very Short Weekend
I Plan On Working Mondays...
Until they are done with the camp on Green Lake! That includes Christmas Eve but I did finagle Dec 26 off for working the 24th! I have this week off from call and then I have it for two weeks again! That will be having the stupid pager for five out of six weeks! I won't be on call this weekend for our company paraty though and I like that! I had a good day off! I went to the dump, played with the kids and watched the Vikings put another beat down on a team- this time the Niners! That is five out of six and sole possession of the last wild card spot in the NFC! They are coming on strong at the right time and proving that they are a force in the weak NFC! One of the NFL commentators said the Vikings were the third best team in the NFC and that no one wants to play them in the playoffs! They run the ball extremely well and stop the run equally as well so they will be dangerous should they make it in! Quite a turn around for a team that was 1-4 and 2-5 and was wrote off for dead! They would have to play all playoff games on the road- which is very tough but I like the chances of them doing some damage in the playoffs and are pretty well set for next year! Well, off to work out and help Jessi with her science home work! Night
Saturday, December 8, 2007
One Week

Until My Company...
Christmas party and two weeks until our party here! I can't wait! I have WAY too much fun at both of these parties and look forward to them all year long! No potato salad with peas in it! Good company! Good booze! Sounds like my kind of time! I love this time of year- Christmas that is not the weather!

Thursday, December 6, 2007
In The Zone
Is Exactly Where I Was Today!
I was cranking all day! Nice to have a full night's sleep to make me feel better and get me refocused on work! I was cranking so hard at the end of the day, Jerry had to call me and tell me it was time to leave! LOL. I was on a roll today! No Alex, Todd gone half the day and I was ROLLING! I like days like today! Things were going well, things were getting done and there were very few foul ups! Very few days happen like today so I am grateful for when a day comes along like that! Tomorrow will probably be sucky and totally make up for the day today was but oh well! I am off to take a shower, watch some football and snuggle in for the night! One week from Saturday is our company Christmas party then one week from that is our Christmas party! Woo Hoo! Later
I was cranking all day! Nice to have a full night's sleep to make me feel better and get me refocused on work! I was cranking so hard at the end of the day, Jerry had to call me and tell me it was time to leave! LOL. I was on a roll today! No Alex, Todd gone half the day and I was ROLLING! I like days like today! Things were going well, things were getting done and there were very few foul ups! Very few days happen like today so I am grateful for when a day comes along like that! Tomorrow will probably be sucky and totally make up for the day today was but oh well! I am off to take a shower, watch some football and snuggle in for the night! One week from Saturday is our company Christmas party then one week from that is our Christmas party! Woo Hoo! Later
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
I Miss Summer

Or Even Spring...
For that matter! This weather is cold and snowy and I am not liking it or used to it! I know- it is December in Maine and it seems like we are getting a real winter for once in the last ten years but I was liking the whole global warming thing and the warm weather and no snow until January or February! Well, I guess Sean and I should be able to do some ice fishing this year which is a good thing! Maybe I can talk Dad into going to Swan for opening day and let Sean catch some nice trout through the ice! I can't believe there is less than three weeks left until Christmas! This year went by really fast and it is almost 2008! Go Vikings! Can't wait until Sunday when they play the Niners! Excellent supper as always, Honey! TTYL

Monday, December 3, 2007
Snow Day

Last Night Was SO Bad...
On call that I didn't sleep hardly at all! I got called like every 20 minutes all night and hardly slept at all! It was the worst night I have ever had on call and am not looking forward to another night like that EVER! I need to do what I am doing in my first picture and my second picture is a tribute to the storm we are getting right now! Kids LOVE snow! They have been playing in it pretty much all day and I am happy- since my wife pointed out yesterday that the kids don't play outside anywhere with it getting colder and stuff. I need to run out back one of these days and retrive my treestand from the tree it is sitting in. Monday Night football should be a descent game tonight- Baltimore VS New England! Pats should smoke the Ravens though! Vikings are on a really nice run right now! They have won four of five and are 6-6 with four winnable games left! They could make the playoffs and with their running game, do some damage when they get there! Well, off to work out and get ready for MNF!! Later

Sunday, December 2, 2007
Close As I Got

As I came to a deer this year! The Vikings are absolutely killing the Lions! My wife blogs twice in one day and I will not be outdone! Vikes are up 42-10 right now and they ran wild on the hapless Lions! My wife is making a lasagna right now as I type this and I am starving and ready to eat! I miss Direct TV so I could be watching this game now instead of listening to it on the internet! Crap- one more hour and I am on call again! I am planning on working tomorrow even though we will be having a major snow storm! First one of the year and I am really not losing too much sleep about it! Having snow for Christmas will actually be different since we never do anymore! By what I saw today, my kids should have an awesome Christmas! Well, off to finish off the Lions and plow face first into a lasagna! Later
My Plans for Sunday!

Yep, GH3 And...
Sitting in my chair watching football! Unfortunately, my chair is sitting out on the porch broken! I miss my chair! I sleep in it, watch TV in it and I really don't like watching TV without it! I need to go to the dump, insulate some pipes down stairs and then settle in for the biggest game of the year so far! The Vikings have won 3 of 4 and are right back in the playoff picture in the NFC! A win today and they are firmly entrenched in it! Lions are one game ahead of them so beating them today is a must to make the playoffs! Well, off to get my stuff done and settle in for the day! Later

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