Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Better Day

Well, today is my first blog with my new computer! I love it- it is fast, comfortable and powerful. The old one was slow, froze up all the time and was a nuisance. Well, if you hated yesterday's blog about work, you are probably not going to like this one, either. Today started out as absolutely rotten and shitty as yesterday did- I barely caught my breath and it was 9:30 AM. I was thinking that today was going to be as shitty a day as yesterday. Then, right out of the blue, Todd walks up to me and says, "you know what? You really do an excellent job down here and I would like to thank you for all you do and go through." I just smiled and said thanks. It picked up my whole day and I kept thinking about what he said all day and my day was great after that- busy but it was nice to feel appreciated. Work is very fast paced. Most the people that they bring into work with me can't keep up with the pace- it is hectic and you have to think on your feet all the time. Plus, you need to be able to do like six things at one time. I fly by the seat of my pants all day, every day at work- it is the only way to get by. I don't half ass things but prioritizing things at work would be a complete waste of time- something more important will always come up. My day also picked up when I came through on finding a part that Alex was looking for since yesterday. I like it when I can come through like that. Makes the day go by better and he leaves me alone. You know, I could see myself retiring from Hartt- I like it that much. I love the people that own the company and I like most of the people I work with. The thing about Hartt is that they keep their good employees for years and years and stand by them. I have really never worked for a company like that. It is quite different from working for a huge company like Irving that uses people up and spits them out. I see or talk to the founder and owner of the company I work for every day and I like that- he is a real, normal guy that you can talk to and he will pat you on the back and call you by name. Del, Judy and Billy are all like that- they are good people. Well, enough rambling about work. Three more days of work until Disney! Wow, I won't be able to blog when I go to Disney! Bummer, dude! I need to try out the new blog site everyone is going to. Jerry really wants to find a job up here and I will do everything I can to help him out. I think his best bet will be at Freightliner but I will keep working to see what I can do. Man, that would be so awesome if he was home every night up here- for both Julie and for me. Well, I will need to make another round of phone calls for him tomorrow! Later


Anonymous said...

Welcome to blogspot...Your wife is smart to drag us all here. It is so much easier to keep track of everyone now. Jerry is having a blast here. Hey it would be totally awesome to have Jerry here all the time...Then you two can go off and play when ever you want...Right now we try to cram so much shit into two days...He is always exhusted. It is too much stress for him. You rock..Thanks for helping!

Anonymous said...

I ran too much shit together here sorry..I read it and went WTF am I talking about...Of course I mean thanks for looking for a different job up here for Jerry....I'm a flake!

Colleen said...

Aww...look at you all with a real blog and stuff! And this time it's REALLY :::wink wink:::

Colleen said...

...of course I did as much setting up of is as I did your old fake

Artistically Twisted said...

Yes thanks bro... Any good prospects you throw my way are appreciated.
I am burnt out.

I am glad you are over here blogging now So I can see your blogs when I am down south.

If you guys want me to rebuild your old computer for you I would be more than happy to hot rod it... I have extra memory and misc junk at the house... lemme know man