It Has Been A Long Week...
At Hartt! Yes, I left early and went to Jessi's game on Monday just like I planned! I had a good time messing around with Sean and watching Jessi cheer! We had fun driving home and making up little rhymes or Jessi's cheers, too! I came home tonight and had Rice 'A Roni and hamburg for supper! It is one of my favorites! I am very excited for the Christmas party! I decided to post some summer pictures since winter definitely seems to be here! Cold, snow and almost 60 degrees and rain? Weird weather so

far this winter! I have some buddies who want to come over and play Madden Saturday night but I suppose I should run it by my wife before I decide to commit to that! I have the pager this weekend so I don't have it for the Christmas party. I do have the pager for Christmas week but nothing happens with it on Christmas- I know because I think I have had it every Christmas since I got in the rotation! Well, this is a very boring blog so I will quit now before people start dropping like flies from this boring, boredom boredorama of a blog! Night
You should have told me you were bored... I could have found PLENTY for you to do ;)
It's been a very blah kinda week. the weather is frustrating since you don't know if you need a head to toe snow suit or a t-shirt...It went from 3 degrees one morning to 45 the next...I love MAINE!
Very excited for the party!!!!!!
Why do you think I didn't tell you? LOL. I am excited, too- Jewels! I can't wait and I am NOT on call at all! I am a poet and didn't know it!
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