Boring Blog Coming!
Well, if you don't like football or the Vikings that is! Today, they decided to reward this long time Viking fan with their FIRST NFC North title! They didn't choke, they didn't back in- they went out and won on the field, against the defending Super Bowl champs and I couldn't be happier! First, to my future sister-in-law, sorry about the Pats! They played very good football after Brady got hurt and they kind of got robbed by going 11-5 and not making the playoffs! A little tweaking in the off season and Brady back next year and you guys will be back where you belong. Karl, looks like Favre is finally done! He didn't have anything left down the stretch and they kind of tanked after beating the Titans! To my brother- who will never read this, the Cowboys looked horrible the last two games! Maybe Wade needs to go and they need some tweaking! OK, I don't think this means the Vikings win the Super Bowl. They aren't stacked or as talented as say the Giants or Titans but I think the Steelers and Giants both showed anything can happen once you get to the playoffs! Step one, CHECK!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas
OK, Maybe I Am Jumping...
The gun a little since it is Christmas Eve but it is like my FAVORITE night of the year! I get to be Santa and get presents and stuff set up from Santa and tomorrow is the real deal! I can't wait to see the look on my kid's faces tomorrow morning! I hope everyone has a great Christmas and gets everything they want! I am off to go spread joy and cheer throughout my house! Good night and Merry Christmas!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Felt Like Monday!
We got HAMMERED by a storm Sunday night- as most of you know full well! Well, I got up at 530 AM to make sure I could get out of the driveway and get to work on time. That worked about as good as a pyramid of hobos! I got stuck- and I mean STUCK! I was an hour and forty-five minutes late for work and I had to have my Dad come get me to get there. So, Colleen calls me after I have been to work for a little bit and tells me that the basement is flooded. Work then went on to be a normal storm day at work. We were swamped and half the guys were plowing snow. Add in the morons who got stuck all over the place and I was more than ready to go home. I only have 2 1/2 days this week then we get a day off for Christmas. So, Colleen picked me up at work and we came home. It took me two hours to get the car unstuck but I finally got it. I cut the pipe outside for the sump pump because it had frozen like I thought. I had a little something to eat and now I am doing something I never thought I would do- rout for the Packers to win a football game and get my Vikings into the playoffs! I am pretty much wiped out and I should go to bed but I don't think tomorrow can top today. I sure hope it can't! Night
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Too Much Fun
Last Night As Most Know...
Was our Christmas party! I had a blast as always and if you want to see some pictures of the festivities, go check out Colleen's blog or Jerry's blog! It might have been the best Christmas party yet! Everyone seemed to have fun and the food and gifts were awesome as usual! Nicole, Ingrid, Jerry and Julie all spent the night and I got up around 8 AM and went and got some stuff for breakfast and drinks for everyone and made breakfast and then we went to my family Christmas party and came home and had a nap and now I am listening to the Vikings play Atlanta! Three days of work and it is Christmas! I am excited to see the kids get their presents and go to my parents and for Janice to get here! Well, back to Vikings football! Later
Was our Christmas party! I had a blast as always and if you want to see some pictures of the festivities, go check out Colleen's blog or Jerry's blog! It might have been the best Christmas party yet! Everyone seemed to have fun and the food and gifts were awesome as usual! Nicole, Ingrid, Jerry and Julie all spent the night and I got up around 8 AM and went and got some stuff for breakfast and drinks for everyone and made breakfast and then we went to my family Christmas party and came home and had a nap and now I am listening to the Vikings play Atlanta! Three days of work and it is Christmas! I am excited to see the kids get their presents and go to my parents and for Janice to get here! Well, back to Vikings football! Later
Monday, December 15, 2008
Christmas and A Party!
OK, It Is Monday...
Which TOTALLY sucks but there is ten more days until Christmas and my kids are chomping at the bit for Christmas to hurry up and get here! I have a better than good chance to win the football pool tonight which is pretty cool. The Vikings are playing the best football I have seen them play in years and our Christmas party is Saturday night! I can survive five more days of work for a little get together and good food, great gag gifts and some great people! I love our parties! They are fun and exciting and eventful and full of surprises! I am in the Christmas spirit now thank to a little gift wrapping with my wife and some presents under the tree that got everyone's anxiety levels up a bit! Looking forward to everyone coming over for the party and I can't wait to hang out with all my friends. Everyone be safe and have a great Christmas and I will see you all on Saturday. Night
Which TOTALLY sucks but there is ten more days until Christmas and my kids are chomping at the bit for Christmas to hurry up and get here! I have a better than good chance to win the football pool tonight which is pretty cool. The Vikings are playing the best football I have seen them play in years and our Christmas party is Saturday night! I can survive five more days of work for a little get together and good food, great gag gifts and some great people! I love our parties! They are fun and exciting and eventful and full of surprises! I am in the Christmas spirit now thank to a little gift wrapping with my wife and some presents under the tree that got everyone's anxiety levels up a bit! Looking forward to everyone coming over for the party and I can't wait to hang out with all my friends. Everyone be safe and have a great Christmas and I will see you all on Saturday. Night
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Bored and Tired
It Has Been A Long Week...
At Hartt! Yes, I left early and went to Jessi's game on Monday just like I planned! I had a good time messing around with Sean and watching Jessi cheer! We had fun driving home and making up little rhymes or Jessi's cheers, too! I came home tonight and had Rice 'A Roni and hamburg for supper! It is one of my favorites! I am very excited for the Christmas party! I decided to post some summer pictures since winter definitely seems to be here! Cold, snow and almost 60 degrees and rain? Weird weather so
Friday, December 5, 2008
Feeling Crappy
OK, This Has Been Bugging Me...
For a day now and my wife's wonderful blog pushed me over the edge and I really need to vent about how I feel! First, I am not upset at anyone but myself! I have dropped the ball SO often and SO badly and it never really hit me in the face until yesterday! I was sitting at work, working like I always do and I talked to Colleen on her way home from work and she told me tonight(Thursday) was Jessi's first cheering at the first game! I hung up the phone and got to thinking about that! She didn't ask me if I could get out early, she didn't ask me if I could make the last part of the game. She KNEW that I would be doing what I always do- which is put work first and NOT be there. People on this blog tell me what a great father I am! Let me tell you that yesterday, I felt like I am NOT a good father. I realized that work comes first and my children come second! My wife's work schedule revolves around the kids! Mine takes me to work before they wake up and I get home a whole two hours before they go to bed! I work six days a week- over 60 hours a week so that they can have a nice house, cars, food and things that make them happy. Maybe that isn't what it is all about! What if when my daughter graduates college- which is not all that far away by the way, turns to me and says, "I love you, Dad and you always provided for us but you missed out on A LOT of the things that were important to me!" That KILLS me! I don't want to be that person! Honestly, I don't know what to do about it. They expect me to be there at work on Mondays! Things go friggin haywire when I am not there on Monday. I know the solution- it is actually quite easy! Stop being a slave to Hartt Transportation, take my mondays off like I am supposed to have and lobby my ass off to get my on call down from two weeks to one week! That is hard for me- I am a workaholic and I really hate letting people down! We also can use the money- I am not going to lie! I'm not a young man anymore! I will be 40 next year and my life is more than likely more than half over. Do I want my memories of my children to be that Dad was always working? This is NOT an easy thing for me to talk about! Colleen doesn't even know how I am feeling right now- well, until she reads this! I need to start NOW- this isn't something I can keep putting off and think that work is finally going to say, "OK, you need to go home at 5 PM and take your Mondays off again." That would be nice but with our company monitoring everyone's hours at work and them to not say anything to me about the hours I work! I am respected and people know how hard I work. I need to be there for her next game- I WILL be there! I guess that will be a start!
For a day now and my wife's wonderful blog pushed me over the edge and I really need to vent about how I feel! First, I am not upset at anyone but myself! I have dropped the ball SO often and SO badly and it never really hit me in the face until yesterday! I was sitting at work, working like I always do and I talked to Colleen on her way home from work and she told me tonight(Thursday) was Jessi's first cheering at the first game! I hung up the phone and got to thinking about that! She didn't ask me if I could get out early, she didn't ask me if I could make the last part of the game. She KNEW that I would be doing what I always do- which is put work first and NOT be there. People on this blog tell me what a great father I am! Let me tell you that yesterday, I felt like I am NOT a good father. I realized that work comes first and my children come second! My wife's work schedule revolves around the kids! Mine takes me to work before they wake up and I get home a whole two hours before they go to bed! I work six days a week- over 60 hours a week so that they can have a nice house, cars, food and things that make them happy. Maybe that isn't what it is all about! What if when my daughter graduates college- which is not all that far away by the way, turns to me and says, "I love you, Dad and you always provided for us but you missed out on A LOT of the things that were important to me!" That KILLS me! I don't want to be that person! Honestly, I don't know what to do about it. They expect me to be there at work on Mondays! Things go friggin haywire when I am not there on Monday. I know the solution- it is actually quite easy! Stop being a slave to Hartt Transportation, take my mondays off like I am supposed to have and lobby my ass off to get my on call down from two weeks to one week! That is hard for me- I am a workaholic and I really hate letting people down! We also can use the money- I am not going to lie! I'm not a young man anymore! I will be 40 next year and my life is more than likely more than half over. Do I want my memories of my children to be that Dad was always working? This is NOT an easy thing for me to talk about! Colleen doesn't even know how I am feeling right now- well, until she reads this! I need to start NOW- this isn't something I can keep putting off and think that work is finally going to say, "OK, you need to go home at 5 PM and take your Mondays off again." That would be nice but with our company monitoring everyone's hours at work and them to not say anything to me about the hours I work! I am respected and people know how hard I work. I need to be there for her next game- I WILL be there! I guess that will be a start!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
X-Mas Party, Slacking & Work
Knows that our Christmas Party is Dec. 20! Ingrid and Karen, you are invited as always! I am looking forward to it because I think it is the most fun party we have! Good food, fun people and lots of NAKED BOOBIES! OK, maybe not the last part! I might have made that last part up! LOL
So, I have been blog slacking lately! I hadn't posted since the last day of deer season which was 5 days ago! Speaking of deer season, since the season ended, I have seen four deer on the way to work! I saw eight all deer season and all four of those deer were shootable! I am starting to think that the deer don't actually want to die! That they don't worship me and bow down to me when I walk into the woods! Well, I have some new tricks planned for next year and I will have a blast preparing and hunting next year! I am going full out! Bow, rifle, black powder! I WILL kill a deer next year- maybe more than one!
Work has been pretty blah this week! Nothing spectacular or eventful and I have to do yard check for the rest of the week so I have to be at work at 630 AM. Yuck! Oh well, I am off to watch two episodes of The Shield and go to bed! Night
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