I think this picture of me is creepy! Other than my boot, you can't make out anything about me! I got home and had pizza! It was yummy! I am leaving for camp right after work tomorrow and we should have a blast! There is going to be five of us- maybe six! I need to get my fishing stuff and clothes packed up tonight so I will be ready! I really needed to get some cash but I totally forgot today! I am hoping for not getting home to late Saturday! I had a three day weekend planned but I have to work Monday! Alex is gone and Ty isn't ready for solo Ty! Well, I am off to catch snakes with Sean and work out! Night
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Dead Man Walking
I think this picture of me is creepy! Other than my boot, you can't make out anything about me! I got home and had pizza! It was yummy! I am leaving for camp right after work tomorrow and we should have a blast! There is going to be five of us- maybe six! I need to get my fishing stuff and clothes packed up tonight so I will be ready! I really needed to get some cash but I totally forgot today! I am hoping for not getting home to late Saturday! I had a three day weekend planned but I have to work Monday! Alex is gone and Ty isn't ready for solo Ty! Well, I am off to catch snakes with Sean and work out! Night
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
More Game Camera
So, I Have Been Blog Slacking...
Well, atleast by my standards! I had to post the picture of raccoon-deer, part two and the picture of Sean and I playing our game on Sunday! We played chase each other around and hunt for snakes! It was fun! We caught a huge garder snake with a mean streak! We spent hours teasing the snake and getting him to snap at us and try to bite us! no wonder PETA hates me! LOL. Give them time- they will probably be advertising on my site next week! The good news is neither one of us got bit and we let the snake go free in the meadow! He is probably on his way out of the county, mumbling under his breath about that stupid guy and his son that wouldn't leave him alone and kept teasing him! Wishing he was his cousin- a rattle snake so he could bite us and kill us! LOL. Work has been an absolute mind fuck every day this week! I spent two hours today putting in nine pages of parts for an estimate, then hitting save and watching all my work disappear! Made me feel like I crying! We are going to camp on Friday for the clean up and drunkfest! Last year was a blast! Even though I don't touch alcohol, I will try and have fun! LOL. I worked out tonight and took a shower and am sitting here enjoying a beverage! I put our new bed together last night after work. My wife assured me it was an hour job! Two hours later, I had it done and felt like laying down in it and going to bed! My wife made it worth while so all was good! Well, off to mess around for twenty more minutes or so and then go to bed! Night
Sunday, June 22, 2008
My Arm Is Back!
Got An Interesting...
Picture of a deer last night! Zoom in on the picture and you can see he is sticking his tongue out at me! If that is a challenge, he might want to think twice! LOL. As my Dad would say, he is as safe as if he was in his mother's arms! I put this other picture in just to prove that my arm did indeed grow back on! I am having WAY too much fun with this game camera! Can't wait until the next get together and candid game camera photos! Not much planned for a lazy Sunday! I need to mow some of my lawn and go to the dump and Colleen needs to go up town so we will probably all go! Well, off to see what is going on and get my day started! Later
Saturday, June 21, 2008
This Is For PETA

Thanks Jerry!
Jerry sent me this pic that pretty much sums up my feeling for PETA! Ingrid also put it quite well! My wife says I am a drama queen! LOL! I guess I don't see the drama queen reference but oh well! Today was OK at work- we got stuff done, short handed and all and my wife and daughter came home around 7! I miss them when they are gone! Sappy? Probably but I like having them home! Wish we were doing something tonight but Jerry is on call and no one set anything up so I guess we will have to wait until next weekend! I am pretty tired right now so I will probably go take a shower, put on some flannel jammies and go to bed! I finished my book the other night but Colleen said she had a book she wanted me to read so maybe I will start that tonight and go to bed! Boring- yes! What I want to do? You bet! Night
Friday, June 20, 2008
Could Not Be MORE Pissed
Flipping spell like ten minutes ago! I was messing around on the computer- Colleen is gone to NH for the night and I really have nothing much else to do but browse the web and listen to some music! I had a blast checking everyone's blogs and comments, read my e-mail and then decided I would check MySpace since I haven't checked it in like a month. I sign on to MySpace and there is a FUCKING PETA AD ON MY SITE! I very quickly canceled my MySpace account and will NEVER have another MySpace account for as long as I live! You couldn't have offended me anymore if you had came to my house, slapped me in the face and called me a sissy! OMG, I was PISSED! They have to send you e-mail to confirm that you want to delete your account and they will get an absolute EARFUL from me on putting THAT ad on my MySpace page! I am bored and miss Colleen and Jessi! I am looking forward to a day off on Sunday but I have to fight through Saturday before that becomes reality! I hope Jessi and Colleen have a blast and get the new dog so he can home with them! Well, off to vent a little more and go to bed! Night
Thursday, June 19, 2008
My Two Animals FIGHT!
Last Night Was Very Eventful...
At the game camera! There was a battle royal between a deer and raccoon! The third picture down- if you click on it, you can see the little black stubs of it's antlers starting to grow! I threw the last picture in because of the time! Not because it is a good picture! That deer came in at 730 AM which is well into legal shooting time! This might be the deer I shoot this year! My wife still doesn't feel good! I am hoping she feels better by the weekend! I don't have much for plans this weekend. I am not on call and I need to insulate the basement! I also need some grass seed to fill in the spots that didn't grow- OK, that might be most of it! LOL. Well, off to work out and take a shower! Night
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Piss Off!
People Are Going To...
Get sick of pictures of the same, stupid animals! Fortunately, I got a new raccoon! Work was uneventful! I am taking the night off from working out! I have been sore for three days since I am ratcheting things up with my work outs. I am NOT on call this weekend or next! The 5th of July, we are having a big bash! Ingrid- you are invited! Kristie and I will burn stuff! Karen, you are invited, too! We will cellebrate my birthday and 4th of July! The weather has been pretty bad this week! Congratulations on the Celtics winning it all, Kristie! Hard to believe you were one game from all three of your teams winning it all! None of my teams have won a championship
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
BBQ Sauce Add
These Pictures Are Good...
Advertising for my two favorite BBQ sauces! Cattlemen's for steak and Sweet Baby Ray's for chicken! I don't have a lot to say tonight- Colleen is sleeping and doesn't feel good and I don't think she is going to be up for 'Piss Off' tonight! I dropped a tire on my foot at work today and it hurts a little! I am thinking a shower and comfy clothes and then settle in for a nice, relaxing night! My children are on summer vacation and spent their first day with their new summer friend today! They said that they had fun which is awesome! I absolutely LOVE my Father's Day gifts! My grill rules and I check my game camera twice a day! I road into work alone this morning because Jerry had to leave early and I have to say I hate ridiing in alone! He makes the ride in fun and funny! Plus, I didn't get to roll over and show anyone deep! Or anyone to throw a boob over their shoulder! That will go over many people's heads and I think that is best! ROFLMAO! Night!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!
Father's Day, Deer Pics and No Arm!
Today is Father's Day, I don't have to work and the pager went off zero times yesterday! I am refreshed, happy and feeling good that I get rid of the pager tomorrow! I got some pictures of a different deer last night! This one looks to be a doe and she did quite a number on my corn block! I also got a very interesting picture of myself- obviously missing my left arm! LOL! I am checking out my left arm right now and it seems to have grown back! Sean and I went to birthday party at Bangor-Brewer bowling lanes last night and had some fun, then we grabbed some tacos from Taco Bell and came home and watched some golf! Sean knows who Tiger is which is pretty much all he needs to know about golf! I know I have said this before but I LOVE watching a major golf event on TV! It may be the second most exciting sport to watch next to the NFL!
OK, on to what today is! Father's Day! I have already blogged about what my father means to me! How he would be there no matter what I need or what time of day it is! I am the father I am today because of the father he was to me! People tell me that I am a great Dad and that makes me feel good but it also a reflection on my Dad as a father! I learned to be a father from him! I am sure I am not the same as him and some things I didn't like have my own twist on them but you know what I am saying here! I found myself thinking the other day what it would be like to not have him here anymore. Couldn't do it! Don't want to think about it- don't want to deal with it in 15-20 years when it happens! I think that says it all! Well, to all the fathers out there- Happy Father's Day! Later
Friday, June 13, 2008
Game Camera
Finally Got Something Cool!
I got some pictures of a raccoon and four pictures of a small buck! How cool is that? The deer and raccoons like the corn block- don't seem to care about the deer grain at all! They are tearing that block up while not even touching the grain! I guess as long as they like one of them, they will keep coming! I will post more pictures if I geet them today or tonight! Off to work after being woke up at 4 AM for the sixth straight night! Later
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Just Like I Suspected
The State of Maine...
Will NEVER let me get a moose permit! 22 years and I still haven't got ONE! I would be much more bitter but I am absolutely exhausted! I haven't slept worth a shit in five days, the pager and cell phone seem to go off nonstop and work has been an absolute cluster fuck all week! Today was the last day of baseball and I am actually glad! Most times, I was exhausted after working all day and wasn't really into it! Plus, I don't think Sean really cares about baseball! He doesn't want to practice with me at home and he really seems uninterested in it! Thankfully, I am on vacation in a month! I need it really badly after this week! I got out of the baseball game and there were 15 messages on the phone at work! I thought Ty must have still been there! It is ridiculous that I have to work as hard as I do! I am so tired of work and the phone and the pager and cell phone! Well, time to start planning my lottery pick for next years moose lottery! And to watch a little basketball! Night
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I Got One!
The clearest picture but I either captured a turkey or a warthog! LOL! We blew the pic up and played with the settings and got pictures on it and it has feathers so we are leaning towards turkey! Today REALLY sucked at work! Alex wasn't there and it was CRAZY busy! I am however very glad to be home! My grass is growing! Yes, only in the low spots but it definitely is! Tonight was the next to last game for Sean. His last game is Thursday and I am looking forward to it! Not because I don't like it but because I would rather do things with my son- just me and him like fishing or messing around with hunting stuff! Thursday is my yearly ritual of disappointment when moose permits come out and I don't get one! Happens every year and every year I get my hopes up to get disappointed! Not this year- I am just assuming I won't get one and move on! Well, off to take a shower and chill out and relax for the first time today! I would say I need it! Night
Sunday, June 8, 2008
We Broke in My New Grill...
In style last night! Tim and Kristie, Nicole and Sophie, Jerry and Julie and Zack all helped us break it in! Plus, Chris is here and helped us out! We all harassed Ingrid- sorry, Ingrid- the text that says Rick really was Rick! I love the picture of Jerry and I looking like zombies! We had a blast last night and I think the game camera will be a thing for Jerry and I! I have today 'off' but my plan is to work like mad! I am starting on the basement and I need to get my wife out and about so we can get a couple little things- like light bulbs! Well, off to enjoy my day off! Later
Friday, June 6, 2008
New Camera and Grill
OK, not really but I got my grill today and my game camera yesterday! I will take some pictures of my new grill WITH my new game camera and people can see what all the fuss is about! I can't wait to cook on my new grill! I am so excited to get home, run out and check my camera and then grill on my new grill! I am a pretty simple man I think but my wife totally nailed it this Father's Day! You are awesome, Honey! These are the only three pictures I have got so far but I got the same scary animal twice! The 1 AM one was probably a deer but it must have moved too quickly to get caught! I think Colleen is right about putting some stuff out there to attract them! We will be trying that this weekend! Well, off to work out, unload my grill and find something to eat! Night
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Father's Day!

OK, So It Isn't Really!
But my wife is SO awesome and totally thought Father's Day was this Sunday! Not that she could have kept a secret until Sunday but that is another story! She got me this AWESOME game camera! It takes pictures of deer and bear and turkeys when I am not home to see them! I think she is kind of into the whole thing, too which makes it even better! I ran out and set it up outback so hopefully, we will have some pictures tomorrow! I have wanted one for a REALLY long time! They tell you what animals are coming by and what time they are coming by! What an awesome gift! I hope to post some pics tomorrow with my new camera! Night
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