And still no deer! Today was NASTY hunting weather! It poured and the wind blew about 40 MPH and you couldn't hear anything! I didn't think they would be moving today! They get spooky with a wind like that and don't move much! It is supposed to stop raining sometime tonight so tomorrow morning should be pretty good! Maybe the time is finally here! I have a good feeling about tomorrow! Karl is coming down sometime tomorrow morning and we will be going out somewhere! Still haven't decided where quite yet! I have been a work out slacker this week as well as a blog slacker! I haven't worked out since Sunday and I will have to buckle down tomorrow! Well, off to beat Tom Morello in Guitar Hero! Prick keeps kicking my ass! Night
i was there at your house seconds after you left. I had stopped at the store to look in the phone book to see if i could find your address. No go your name wasnt in the yellow book. dammit! so i bought my sandwich and a pepsi and a 6 pack of heinkien for later for myself. drove straight down the road a little further. Bang there was a new car with temp plates on it. A house sit crooked to the road and I knew this is Ricks house. Of course seeing Jordan on the mailbox didnt give me the heads up at all. I pulled and this beautiful woman told me you just left. Dammit Rick really going hunting in the pouring rain when we could have been playing Guitar hero come on. Actually meet me at the store early if not call em at 200-8137 and wake my sorry butt up.
Jesus- how early? I go out back at 510! I'll go to Myspace and send you my phone number! call me in the morning when you get up and I will meet you here or at the store!
OK, my wife was on my computer! That was me up above!
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